Riek Sanderse

Riek Sanderse

Born in 1940, in Goes (Zeeland), the Netherlands, Riek Sanderse has always been fascinated by colour and design. She grew up in various cities throughout Zeeland and Antwerp, Belgium. Growing up in these different cities, she was exposed to a variety of different cultural and artistic influences, which continue to shape her work today.

In the early 1970s she began to weave tapestries using the ancient gobelin technique (Gobelin was the name of a family of dyers, who in the 15th century started a renowned tapestry factory in Paris). She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Eeklo, Belgium from 1979 through 1984 and graduated with a special prize from the Tapestry Academy of Eeklo. Throughout this period, she was commissioned to weave many gobelin tapestries for a variety of clients.

Several years later, she returned to the Academy of Fine Arts, but focused her attention on ceramics – her newfound passion. She graduated in 1991 with distinction and received the Medal of the Belgium Government for Ceramics. Today, Riek is an officially registered ceramics artist. She continues to create ceramics in her studio in Terneuzen for regional expositions. She also enters international ceramic competitions to showcase her work in other parts of the world.